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What are SARMs? Let’s Break Down SARMs In Simple English

Bodybuilders are not exactly known for being cautious when picking performance enhancers. If they were, the illegal PEDs market wouldn’t exist. But we all know it’s still fairly easy to source banned stuff like Anadrol and Dianabol.

For most bodybuilders, performance and results are the priority. As long as someone/something promises great results, they’ll jump on it and cross the bridge of side effects when it comes across. “The end justifies the means.”

It’s a risky attitude. But a good portion of bodybuilders are willing to take the risk to push their bodies to the limits.

Do you know what the funny thing is in all this? Thanks to these risk-takers, we know more about SARMs today than when they first entered the fitness scene.

In this article, I’m going to give you a simplified SARMS 101 guide. I’ll tell you what SARMs are and what they do to your body in layman’s language. And I’m going to reference multiple case studies to show you what you can expect from SARMs.

What are SARMs?

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are a class of androgen receptor ligands sold as investigational compounds. The drugs are popular for their anabolic properties that promote several bodybuilding effects, making them a favorite among muscle builders and fitness enthusiasts.

SARMs have been around for a hot minute now. Actually, they’ve been around since the late 1980s. However, they became popular in the last decade when reports showed they’re a safer alternative to steroids.

Online publications reported that SARMs were almost as effective as anabolic steroids but with a fraction of the side effects. And that is all it took for SARMs to become all the rage in the fitness industry.

So, how exactly do SARMs manage to deliver impressive results without shrinking your b*lls or causing kidney and liver damage?

To answer that, we’ll need to look at how SARMs work.

What do SARMs do to your body?

The answer is in the name, really. Sarms are Selective androgen receptor modulators, which is a nerdy way of saying SARMs only target specific androgen receptors in the body. 

To be more specific, SARMs target or bind to the androgen receptors found in the muscle and bone tissues. In doing so, the synthetic drugs increase anabolic effects to deliver the bodybuilding results they’re so popular for. 

To get a little more detailed, SARMs mimic the action of the all-powerful male sex hormone Testosterone. In doing so, they stimulate muscle growth and fat loss.

Their ability to bind to the androgen receptors in the bones is also critical in increasing bone mineral density. This comes as no surprise since SARMs were initially being investigated for their ability to treat muscle wasting and bone degeneration.

SARMs results

Before discussing the SARMs results, it’s worth pointing out that SARMs are not a magic bullet. They may be potent but not too potent to give you the results you dream of without putting in any work.

You must support SARMs with a robust workout regimen and an appropriate diet for the best results.

With that out of the way, here are the SARMs results you can expect:

  1. Increases muscle growth

SARMs are extremely effective at boosting muscle growth. But, of course, how many pounds you’ll gain will ultimately depend on the specific type of SARM you’ll use. 

For example, milder SARMs like Ostarine can deliver between 4 and 6 pounds of lean muscle mass per cycle. Meanwhile, more potent SARMs like Testolone can push the gains to 10 pounds or so.

In any case, the ability of SARMs to boost muscle growth remains unquestionable. Several clinical trials from Men’s Health prove this.

Moreover, reports on Reddit and other fitness forums confirm that users experience vast muscle gains while taking SARMs. 

  1. Increases bone mineral density

SARMs bind to the androgen receptors on the bone tissues, resulting in an increase in bone mineral density.

This is very beneficial for bodybuilders. Bone fractures and other similar injuries are fairly common in the gym. Strengthening your bones is one great way to reduce the risk of these issues.

In addition, increased bone density will support your bulking efforts. This is especially critical if you’re aiming for that Hulk physique. You’ll need the bones to support all those gains.

  1. Improve recovery

Some SARMs can speed up your recovery from workouts. Ligandrol and Ostarine are especially popular here.

These SARMs are effective at replenishing your skeletal muscle mass to ease muscle soreness and promote overall recovery.

A few SARMs even go as far as enhancing your mental recovery. This is really critical since you require a combination of physical and mental willpower to get into productive training mode.

  1. Boosts endurance and stamina

Selective androgen receptor modulators will also increase your muscle endurance and stamina. You’ll have an easier time sustaining strenuous workouts. That should also boost your athletic performance considerably.

This has been demonstrated in several studies where SARMs users showed higher stair-climbing power. 

  1. Supports fat loss

Several SARMs break down stored fat to produce energy. This results in fat loss, and that’s why some SARMs are used for cutting.

Cutting SARMs will boost your vascularity, helping you look leaner. And the best part is these SARMs do not eat into your gains. 

So you don’t have to worry about losing your hard-earned muscles while cutting excess body fat.

Are SARMs safe?

SARMs are not 100% safe. They’re safer than anabolic steroids but have their own adverse effects. 

Also, all SARMs do not produce the same kinds of side effects. Some issues are common in certain SARMs and not others. 

For example, Andarine S4 is known to cause vision issues where users witness a yellow tinge. But this side effect is unique to Andarine alone.

Therefore, in addition to learning about the general side effects of SARMs, I’ll advise you to also investigate the specific SARM you’re interested in. 

So, what kinds of side effects should you expect? The National Library of Medicine ran a survey on Reddit and reported the following common SARMs side effects:

  • Testosterone suppression

This is the most common and predictable SARMs side effect. You’re going to experience some level of testosterone suppression regardless of the SARM or dosages you use.

If you have no idea what testosterone suppression is, it’s a situation where natural testosterone production reduces. This normally happens due to the presence of another compound functioning like testosterone. In this case, the compound is the SARM you’re using.

The good news here is that testosterone suppression is usually not an issue when you’re still on SARMs. It only becomes a problem when you come off the drug.

If left untreated, testosterone suppression will make your gains disappear. It may also cause fat gain. Basically, you’ll experience all the issues that come with low testosterone levels.

Luckily, you can reverse testosterone suppression through SARMs PCT. SARMs PCT (post-cycle therapy) involves using drugs that restore optimal testosterone production.

It’s super important that you go through PCT after every SARMs cycle.

  • Acne

SARMs are also known to cause acne breakouts among some individuals. The issue is nowhere as common as suppression, though. In fact, some reports suggest it only affects guys who already experience acne.

The drugs may cause mild, moderate, or severe acne. If you experience mild to moderate acne, treat the condition with over-the-counter medications.

You may also be able to ride out mild acne until you’re done with your cycle. 

  • Mood swings

A few users have reported mood swings and increased aggression. This also seems to be in isolated cases, with some of those users explaining that they use multiple drugs at the same time.

This is not the case for all users, though. This dude, for example, has been enjoying great results without any mood swings or aggression issues.


We’ll advise caution when you start experiencing severe mood swings and increased aggression. You may want to drop the dosages or stop your cycle altogether. 

  • Decreased testicular size

Some SARMs can cause what scientists call testicular atrophy. This basically means the shrinking of the testes. It occurs because SARMs can affect the production of sperm.

This issue is not that common, especially if you’re taking milder SARMs at the right dosages. 

For example, Ostarine (MK2866) is one of the mildest SARMs. The risks of this SARM causing testicular atrophy are far less than something like S23, which is extremely powerful.

This issue can be reversed after the cycle.

Also, you’ll recover much faster if you use a mild SARM like Ostarine compared to other more potent SARMs.

To sum it up, SARMs do cause side effects, but the type and severity will vary depending on the dosage and type of SARM you use. We all have different bodies too. So someone else’s nightmare might be your safe haven.

What’s the safest SARM to take?

Ostarine is generally considered the safest SARM you can take. That’s because it’s mild, so it rarely causes severe adverse effects. It still causes testosterone suppression, though.

Also, you’ll need to use it in the correct doses and keep the cycles within the recommended length. Abuse the drug, and you open the floodgates for a  shitload of other potential side effects like headaches and nausea, among others.

Are SARMs legal?

SARMs are legal to buy and use for research purposes. The FDA has not approved them for human consumption. They’re considered investigational compounds. That’s why you can only purchase them for research.

That said, regulatory bodies are not too daft to think these unapproved drugs are not used for bodybuilding and to enhance performance. That’s why the drugs are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

So, don’t use these drugs if you’re going to the Olympics or participating in a regulated sport. Oh, and the answer to your lingering question is yes. SARMs can show up in blood work.  

Where to buy SARMs?

SARMs can be bought online as research compounds. Several online stores sell different types of SARMs in different forms. You can find the SARMs in pills, powder, and liquid form

You can check out my review on SARMs pills vs liquid in case you want to know which form is best for you.

That aside, I’ll recommend you conduct thorough research before buying SARMs from any store. 

These compounds have become very popular, so there are lots of vultures out there. Not all of those SARM vendors take the necessary precautions to deliver high-quality SARMs. Some of them sell SARMs laced with dangerous ingredients.

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Look at our review of the best SARMs vendors if you’re considering giving these dietary supplements a shot. We’ve shortlisted the top suppliers that go above and beyond to deliver pure and potent SARMs.


What does SARMs do to your body?

SARMs mimic the effects of testosterone to target the androgen receptors in your bone and muscle tissues. This boosts anabolic activities, increasing muscle growth and bone mineral density.

Are SARMs steroids?

No, SARMs are not steroids. SARMs target specific androgen receptors (found in the bone and muscle tissues), while steroids are not specific in their targeting. That’s why SARMs users are exposed to fewer side effects as compared to steroid users.

What’s the difference between SARMs and steroids?

SARMS interact with specific androgen receptors in the muscle and bone tissues. On the other hand, steroids interact with androgen receptors found across different tissues in the body. That’s why SARMs are safer than steroids.

Getting Started with SARMs

You now know what are SARMs, how they work, and the SARMs results and side effects you may experience. 

If you like what you’ve read so far, I’ll encourage you to zero in on the specific SARM you want. That means determining your goal and then deciding which SARM is best for that purpose.

You can start by checking out our reviews of the best SARMs for cutting and bulking.


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