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How To Pass A SARMs Drug Test (4 Techniques)

How to pass a SARMs drug test

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have gained popularity among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. That’s due to their ability to promote muscle growth, increase bone density, and enhance overall performance. 

And they achieve all that without many of the dangerous side effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids. 

We have athletes using SARMs for cross-fitting, bodybuilding, and even weight loss.

However, the use of SARMs is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and other sports organizations. That makes it crucial for professional athletes to understand how to use SARMs without losing their careers. 

As you can imagine, SARMs drug testing has been a concern in the community for a hot minute now.


The short answer here is that you should probably avoid taking SARMs altogether. This is the best way to safeguard your career. But if you’ve already taken the SARM, either knowingly or unknowingly? Is there a way to pass the SARMs drug test, then?

In today’s review, we’ll explore the various types of drug tests that can detect SARMs. I’ll then share some practical advice on how to pass these tests to maintain a clean record and avoid potential penalties.

Types of Drug Tests Where SARMs May Be Detected

SARMs can be detected through several types of drug tests, including blood, urine, hair, and saliva tests. Each testing method has its own detection window and sensitivity levels, which vary depending on the specific SARM used and the individual’s metabolism. 

Let’s take a closer look at each type of test.

1. Blood Test

Blood tests are a relatively common test used to detect the presence of SARMs in an athlete’s system. Sometimes they are the preferred option because they accurately measure the substances circulating in the bloodstream. 

Blood tests tend to be quite aggressive, so some organizations (in workplaces) don’t use them for drug testing.

However, SARMs tend to have a relatively short half-life. Andarine S4, for example, has a half-life of only 4-6 hours. That means these drugs may only be detectable in blood tests for a limited time after ingestion.

2. Urine Test

Urine tests are the most common method used to screen for SARMs. They’re a popular option because they are non-invasive. Plus, they can detect SARMs for a longer period than blood tests.

The World Anti-Doping Organization can use both blood and urine tests. However, they typically rely on urine tests to identify the use of banned substances, including SARMs, in athletes.

It’s also the most common type of military drug test. Military personnels are expected to submit urine samples at least once per year. 

However, the military will rarely screen your test for SARMs in particular. Most of the servicemen in the SARMs community seem to agree that a person must have raised suspicions for a specific SARMs drug test to be ordered in the military.


The detection window for SARMs in urine can vary from a few days to several weeks. It all comes down to the specific compound used and the individual’s metabolism. 

So if you used a SARM with a short half-life, it’d be removed from your system much faster. Also, your body will clear the compound quickly if you have a faster metabolism.

3. Hair Test

This one is crazy because hair tests can provide an even longer detection window for SARMs. This is because the drug metabolites can remain in hair follicles for several months after ingestion. 

Luckily, hair tests are less commonly used for SARMs detection because they’re more expensive and require a large sample. So, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll run across this type of test.

4. Saliva Test

Finally, we have the saliva test. These are the least common. That’s because they are not very reliable since they have an extremely short detection window. 

That said, they may still be used in scenarios where a rapid, non-invasive testing method is required.

Enough with the tests. Let’s now get to the good part.

How To Pass Drug Tests for SARMs

Passing a drug test for SARMs ultimately comes down to understanding the detection windows for each type of test and taking appropriate measures to ensure that your system is clear of any trace of SARMs when the test is administered. 

Here are some general tips to help you pass a drug test for SARMs:

  • Know the detection windows: As mentioned earlier, the detection window for SARMs can vary depending on the type of test and the specific compound used. Familiarize yourself with the detection windows for the SARMs you have used, and plan accordingly to ensure that enough time has elapsed between your last dose and the scheduled drug test. 

For example, if it’s a saliva test, you know the detection window is very small. Therefore, you won’t have to worry much about the test if you took your last dose of SARM weeks or months ago. 

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help flush out SARMs metabolites from your system. This is especially helpful if you’re going to be subjected to urine tests.

Ensure you are well-hydrated in the days leading up to the test. But obviously, you want to avoid excessive water consumption immediately before the test. This will raise suspicion or result in a diluted sample which will require retesting.

I have an interesting article on how long SARMs stay in your system that you may want to check out, by the way.

  • Consider using detox products: Some individuals opt for detox products or supplements that claim to eliminate traces of SARMs from the body more quickly. While the effectiveness of these products varies, some may provide a temporary solution for passing a drug test. 

For example, there’s a product called Old Style Aloe Toxin Shampoo that promises to help you pass hair tests. It’s even used to eliminate THC from the hair.

However, be cautious when using such products, as their safety and efficacy are not always guaranteed.

  • Discontinue SARMs use: The most effective way to pass a drug test for SARMs is to simply stop using them. This is especially vital if you are an athlete subject to regular and random testing. For example, if you are using SARMs for cross-fit, you can stop taking them with enough time before the competition. This will ensure your body has enough time to eliminate any traces of SARMs before the test.

It’s worth saying something about potential false positive drug testing cases. Certain medications and dietary supplements may cause false positives in the drug tests for SARMs. 

Therefore, if you’re taking any medications or supplements, inform the testing personnel in advance to avoid misunderstandings and potential penalties.

How To Pass A SARMs Drug Test FAQs

1. Will SARMs fail a drug test?

Yes, you can fail a drug test if you’ve taken SARMs. The SARM metabolites will be detectable through urine, blood, saliva, and hair tests.

2. How long are SARMs detectable in urine?

The detection window of SARMs in urine varies depending on the half-life of the specific SARM you used and your metabolism. The window will be shorter if the SARM has a short half-life and you have an active metabolism.

3. Will SARMs test positive for steroids?

Yes, SARMs may cause a false positive result when you’re tested for steroids. That’s because SARMs mimic the anabolic properties of testosterone.

Conclusion: Staying One Step Ahead

Navigating the world of drug testing for SARMs can be challenging. However, a clear understanding of the different types of tests and their detection windows can increase your chances of passing these tests. 

But ultimately, the best strategy is to refrain from using SARMs if you are subject to regular testing by sports organizations or employers.


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