How To Take Liquid SARMs Properly (& Safely): A 2025 Guide

Although most people prefer taking SARMs in capsule forms, the popularity of liquid SARMs is not that far behind. In fact, taking liquid SARMs comes with several advantages that I’m going to discuss in a moment. TL;DR This section is for all the gym bros who want quick answers. You’d rather get to the gym […]

Best SARMs for Beginners (+ 2 Products You Must Avoid)

best sarms for beginners and the best sarms stacks for newbies

Before we take this guide on the best SARMs for beginners too far, I have to tell you something. Using the wrong SARM will seriously mess up your body, and it can have long-term effects. I’m talking liver toxicity, kidney issues, and all that ugly stuff. Here is the thing.  SARMs have, for the longest […]

How Long Do SARMs Stay In Your System?

Whether you’re an athlete, bodybuilder, or someone interested in the science behind these substances, one question looms large: How long do SARMS stay in your system? In this article, I’m going to try and simplify the science behind all this. You’ll see how long these substances can stay detectable in your system and what you […]

Liquid SARMs vs Pills: Are Liquid SARMs Better than Pills?

Liquid SARMs vs Pills: Are SARMs better in pill or liquid form?

For the folks invested in achieving peak physical performance, the form in which you take your supplements can be just as important as the supplements themselves.  SARMs have gained popularity for their ability to enhance muscle growth and fat loss, but the choice between liquid and pill forms has left many users wondering which is […]

Do SARMs Cause Acne? (+ How to Avoid Acne When Using SARMs)

Do SARMs cause acne?

If you’re using SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) or considering adding them to your regimen, you’re probably aware of their potential to help build muscle, enhance performance, and burn fat. But along with these benefits, a common concern among users is whether SARMs might trigger unwanted side effects—specifically, acne. Acne can be a frustrating and […]

What are SARMs? Let’s Break Down SARMs In Simple English

What are SARMs? A guide on what sarms are, the best sarms for beginners, where to buy SARMs, and side effects of SARMs.

Bodybuilders are not exactly known for being cautious when picking performance enhancers. If they were, the illegal PEDs market wouldn’t exist. But we all know it’s still fairly easy to source banned stuff like Anadrol and Dianabol. For most bodybuilders, performance and results are the priority. As long as someone/something promises great results, they’ll jump […]

Amino Asylum Review: Is Amino Asylum Legit Legit?

Amino asylum reviews. Is amino asylum legit?

This Amino Asylum review will seek to answer one simple question—is Amino Asylum legit?  Amino Asylum is a prominent name in the research chemicals industry. The online store sells various products, including popular compounds like SARMs, pro-hormones, peptides, and aminos.  However, Amino Asylum reviews seem mixed at best, making it hard for interested buyers to […]

Best SARMs for Height Growth: Can Ibutamoren Make You Taller?

Ibutamoren Mk677 for height growth

Height can be an advantage in many areas of life, from sports to dating and even job opportunities. I mean, you don’t have to scroll too long through your TikTok feed to see some hot chicks talking about tall guys. But what if there was a way to boost your height naturally without resorting to […]

How To Pass A SARMs Drug Test (4 Techniques)

How to pass a SARMs drug test

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have gained popularity among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. That’s due to their ability to promote muscle growth, increase bone density, and enhance overall performance.  And they achieve all that without many of the dangerous side effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids.  We have athletes using SARMs for cross-fitting, bodybuilding, […]

Best SARMs for CrossFit (Top 3 Options & Dosage Guideline)

Best SARMs for CrossFitters

The levels of strength and intensity required from cross-fitters are just crazy. Cross-fit is actually one of the most high-intensity training I’ve ever seen. It’s no wonder the training attracts some of the most competitive athletes out there. And the one thing we all know about athletes is they’ll always want to get that extra […]