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Best SARMs For Athletic Performance

Athletics is a highly competitive world. For this reason, the quest for an edge that can enhance performance is never-ending. 

SARMs, or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, have emerged as a promising solution for athletes seeking to push the boundaries of their physical capabilities. 

These powerful compounds work by selectively binding to androgen receptors, resulting in increased strength, endurance, and recovery – all crucial elements for peak athletic performance. 

In this article, I’ll delve into the top SARMs that have the potential to elevate your game and give you a competitive edge.


Don’t have the time to read through the whole thing? Don’t worry, here’s the summary. 

The best SARMs for athletic performance are:

  • Stenabolic SR9009
  • Testolone RAD140
  • Ligandrol LGD4033

Each of these SARMs will boost your performance on the track. The difference is in potency. Go with Stenabolic and Ligandrol if you’re looking for a reasonable boost in performance while minimizing the risk of severe side effects. Meanwhile, Testolone RAD140 is for those beasts who want to prioritize performance.

And if you are wondering where it is you can get quality SARMs, check out this SARMs supplier. They check all the boxes, from third-party lab testing to fast shipping and reasonable prices.

Let’s now break each of these SARMs down, looking at how they work and how to use them. 

1. Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic, also known as SR9009, was initially developed by Professor Thomas Burris at the Scripps Research Institute. Although not a traditional SARM, Stenabolic is often grouped with them due to its similar effects on athletic performance. 

This potent compound targets the Rev-erbα protein, which plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and circadian rhythms.

Stenabolic SR9009 supports athletic performance by enhancing endurance and boosting energy levels. By modulating the activity of the Rev-erbα protein, Stenabolic effectively increases mitochondria production in muscles, resulting in improved stamina and reduced recovery time. 

This allows athletes to train harder, longer, and more frequently, ultimately improving overall performance.

Additional Benefits of Stenabolic

Beyond its impact on athletic performance, Stenabolic offers a range of other benefits. It has been shown to improve metabolism, which can lead to reduced body fat and a leaner physique. That means SR9009 can also be used by cross-fitters.

Additionally, Stenabolic can help regulate cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation, promoting overall health and well-being.

Potential Side Effects

Stenabolic is generally well-tolerated, but it’s important to be mindful of potential side effects. 

Some users have reported mild side effects such as insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns. This may be linked to the compound’s effects on circadian rhythms. 

These side effects can typically be managed by adjusting the dosage or timing of administration. 

As always, monitoring your body’s response and consulting a healthcare professional if you have any concerns is essential.

Dosage and Cycle Guidelines: Finding the Sweet Spot

To maximize the benefits of Stenabolic for athletic performance, it’s important to follow proper dosage and cycle guidelines. 

A typical dose ranges from 10-30 mg per day, with most users finding success at around 20 mg. 

Due to its short half-life, splitting the daily dose into multiple smaller doses taken throughout the day is recommended. 

Cycle lengths can vary between 8-12 weeks, followed by a break to allow the body time to reset and recover. As with any supplement, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating Stenabolic into your performance-enhancing regimen.

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2. Testolone RAD140

Testolone, also known as RAD140, is one of the most potent SARMs you can buy. Developed by Radius Health, its primary aim was to combat muscle wasting and age-related muscle loss. 

As a result, Testolone quickly gained popularity for its remarkable muscle-building and strength-enhancing properties.

Testolone RAD140 supports athletic performance by promoting rapid muscle growth and muscle strength, making it a valuable asset for athletes seeking a competitive edge. 

A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) demonstrated that RAD140 exhibits a higher anabolic effect than testosterone while having fewer androgenic side effects. 

This unique characteristic allows athletes to experience significant gains in lean muscle tissue and strength without the unwanted side effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids.

Still, Testolone is known to suppress natural testosterone levels, among other side effects.

Additional Benefits of Testolone

Apart from its impressive impact on athletic performance, Testolone offers other benefits. First of all, it’s one of the best SARMs for powerlifting due to the raw muscular strength it gives users. 

The SARM has also been shown to protect brain health by reducing the impact of amyloid-beta proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease. 

Furthermore, Testolone can help improve bone density, making it a valuable addition to an athlete’s regimen for injury prevention and overall health.

Potential Side Effects

Although Testolone is generally well-tolerated, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects. Some users have reported mild side effects such as headaches, nausea, mood swings, hair loss, and decreased testosterone levels. 

These side effects are typically temporary and can be managed by adjusting the dosage or allowing the body time to adapt. 

It’s crucial to monitor your body’s response and seek medical advice if you experience any persistent or concerning side effects.

Dosage and Cycle Guidelines

A typical dose ranges from 5-20 mg per day, with most users finding success around 10-15 mg. 

Recommended cycle lengths are between 8-12 weeks, followed by a break to allow your body time to recover and maintain hormonal balance. 

As with any dietary supplement, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating Testolone into your performance-enhancing regimen.

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3. Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a powerful SARM initially developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals. 

The original goal behind this SARM was to prevent muscle wasting and promote muscle growth. However, Ligandrol has become a popular choice among athletes looking to enhance their performance.

Ligandrol LGD4033 has gained a solid reputation for supporting athletic performance by increasing lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance. A study published in the Journal of Gerontology demonstrated that LGD-4033 led to significant increases in lean body mass, making it an appealing option for athletes seeking to increase their muscular gains and improve overall performance.

Additional Benefits of Ligandrol

In addition to its impact on athletic performance, Ligandrol has been shown to improve bone tissues. This is essential for athletes aiming to reduce the risk of injuries. 

Furthermore, Ligandrol can aid in recovery, allowing athletes to bounce back faster from intense training sessions and maintain a high level of performance throughout their training cycles.

Ligandrol is also one of the best SARMs for nerve damage. It can help repair damaged nerves, which is really useful because this is a relatively common issue among athletes. 

Potential Side Effects

While Ligandrol has demonstrated promising results, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. Some users have reported mild adverse side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and decreased testosterone levels. 

These adverse effects are typically short-lived and manageable. However, it’s essential to pay close attention to how your body reacts and seek medical advice if any persistent or concerning side effects occur.

Dosage and Cycle Guidelines

A common dose ranges from 5-10 mg per day, with most users finding success around 5-7 mg. Cycle lengths typically fall between 8-12 weeks, followed by a break to allow your body time to reset and recover. 

Consulting a healthcare professional before incorporating Ligandrol into your performance-enhancing regimen is always a prudent decision.

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Best SARMs for Athletic Performance FAQs

1. What is the best SARM for athletes?

The best SARMs for athletes are Stenaboic, Testolone, and Ligandrol. These SARMs can improve your athletic performance, giving you the much-needed extra competitive edge.

2. Can SARMs improve athletic performance?

Yes, SARMs can improve athletic performance. They do that by boosting endurance, stamina, and muscular strength. 

3. Should athletes take SARMs?

Professional athletes should not take SARMs because these compounds can be detected in a drug test. If you take the compounds, give them enough time to leave your body before engaging in a regulated sport. 
Check out our guide on how long SARMs stay in the system for more information on this subject.

Wrapping Up

It’s clear that Stenabolic SR9009, Testolone RAD140, and Ligandrol LGD4033 each offer unique and compelling benefits. From boosting muscular endurance and energy levels to promoting muscle growth and strength, these compounds have the potential to enhance your athletic abilities significantly.

While we’ve aimed to maintain an objective perspective throughout this article, we cannot deny the impressive results that these SARMs have shown in various studies and user experiences. 

If you’re an athlete seeking to gain a competitive edge, it’s certainly worth considering adding one or more of these SARMs to your training regimen. However, I always recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before embarking on this journey to ensure the safest and most effective approach.

With the right SARM in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to unlock your full athletic potential and rise to new heights in your chosen sport.

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